I've seen quite a few ask and messages if app is safe. So I post this publicly.

28 Jan 2023, 12:21
I've seen quite a few ask and messages if app is safe. So I post this publicly. So please let me tell you that the bug which cause this situation, was patched at the moment we find it out, it wasn't some elaborate hack, it was a brute force attack. It is safe and team is committed to keep your funds secured and with the attack you haven't lost a single XDN, your staking/MN balance is what you get when you withdraw. Main wallet hasn't been affected at all. We spent countless hours on fixing and making sure that the bad actors were caught. Code was battle tested on other platform, which ran for more like a half a year on platform where is not an issue to have 30k active users per hour, sadly not even that beta test couldn't find this edge case, that's why we introduced bug report with the reward, because whenever is small financial incentive over time and instant reward, people will always choose the latter. To keep the commitment for developing new things and not spending half-time coding and double/tripe that time testing for every edge case, this section is crucial. Despite what it might seems, whole code is more than 65 thousand lines of code and that all was written in past 6 or 7 months. And I just one guy. That it is from me as a developer responsible for code, for rest of the team thoughts, please wait few hours for the team's AMA. Some people are saying that they are missing balance after withdrawal of reward, no you aren't. There is a new section of "withdrawals" on the main screen, where you can see all your withdrawals and if they were approved or if they are pending, were denied. We only deny suspicious activity, which will be public knowledge on block explorer. All in all, this is on us, not on you and your balance.