All new members of telegram and current please make sure that before you post or look around that you read over the rules of how

12 Nov 2022, 23:47
All new members of telegram and current please make sure that before you post or look around that you read over the rules of how this telegram will be managed and treated. - Courtesy and good manners are rigorously enforced. It is useless to insult us all. Listen to others and they will listen to you. - Spamming and trolling is forbidden, fudders will also not be tolerated. - Referrals to non-DigitalNote sites or talk about other coins are forbidden unless sanctioned by the Team member. - Please make sure if a team member messages you that you verify it's them, we will rarely inbox first, however confirm who it is, many people like to scam and create fake accounts to steal your info. - Pump and Dump groups are considered illegal by this telegram. Any promotion of these groups will result in an instant BAN - Send useful messages; prefer the quality to the quantity - Please ask your question in the specific channel and wait for a reply, make sure you have checked for the answer first by DYOR, always check for updates and announcements too! - Insulting reactions in a response will not be tolerated. -The Moderators answer is final. If there is a disagreement, then Private Message the Admin. We want to make this community one that is supportive, informative and taken care of, so please treat this place with respect. There are many members here and it will only grow, so lets make it a place that allows this growth!